Alumni discounts

Discounts available to alumni on entertainment, shopping and more.

Primary page content

The Economist

You receive a 10% discount when you subscribe to The Economist, which offers insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology and the connections between them.


Access to TOTUM Pro, a new benefits service designed especially for graduates and professional learners.

TOTUM Pro is brought to you by the team behind TOTUM, formerly NUS Extra, and offers graduates and professional learners over two UK discounts on everything from dining out and keeping fit to fashion retail and travel abroad.

TOTUM Pro is available for £14.99 for one year, £24.99 for two years or £34.99 for three years. To access this benefit, you must register with your Goldsmiths alumni email (

Please note that we are working with TOTUM to open up this benefit to all alumni regardless if they have an alumni email.

Student Central

Student Central is a social space, music venue and fitness centre provided by the University of London. As alumni of a University of London college, you're eligible for an Associate Membership of Student Central.

Your membership gives you an exclusive discount to the Energybase Fitness Centre, allows you to join University of London sports clubs and societies, access Student Central's services and facilities after 6.30pm and purchase advance online tickets to Student Central events.

Your membership will last for life and costs £40. Find out more and sign up at

Goldsmiths courses

You can get discounts on Taught Masters and Short Courses.